Frantically seeking for a place to move forward, Your eyes catch the door to the dressing rooms of one such “Crimson Troupe” from what you can gather trekking through the dingy halls is that the troupe are some sort of in-house performing arts company that enacts a variety of grand dramas and tragedies for the master of this house and his servants. Surely, they would have some answers about this place, right? Glancing from poster to poster and manuscript to manuscript you can spot such strange titles such as “The light of Heria” and “Wonderland in dream” As your mind ponders the contents of such theatrical performances you arrive in a sort of lobby, A familiar sight, another room filled with many doors and possible ways to move forward. You spot a resplendent doorway in the centre leading to the main stage and many rooms to the side leading to the resting places of the troupes members.